Results for Longitude -108, Latitude 44
Gold Resource Grade Predictions

Geo Features:

  • Geology: Cenozoic
  • Lithology: Unconsolidated sediments
  • Lithosphere Thickness (km): 44.93
  • Inverse Distance Weighting: 11.9
  • Weighted Grades: 655363.0
  • Inverse Distance Weighting (Au only): 2.75
  • Weighted Grades (Au only): 14.0

Predictions based on my machine learning algorithm trained using the USGS Mineral Resource Datasystem , the GLiM global lithological map data set (Hartmann and Moosdorf, 2012) and the Lith1.0 lithospheric model (Pasyanos et al., 2013).

See here for an interactive map of the world using this same predictive model. Read this blog post for further explanation.