

Category Value Percentile* Comment
Grade (%) 44.86th Moderate
Length (m) 73.78th Moderate
Depth (m) 20.28th Deep
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* Ranked against 167,000 copper intercepts
Highlights for 3/7/2025 - 3/14/2025
2025-03-10  Orosur Mining   Anza   5.4 g/t Au over 62.5m from 16.5m   High   Very Thick   Very Shallow 
2025-03-10  Loncor Gold   Adumbi   6.01 g/t Au over 13.92m from 365.73m   Very High   Very Thick   Deep 
2025-03-11  Idaho Strategic Resources   Golden Chest   150.25 g/t Au over 1.3m from 40.8m   Very High   Moderate   Shallow 
2025-03-11  Tocvan Ventures   Gran Pilar   10.3 g/t Au over 9.7m from 87.83m   Very High   Very Thick   Moderate 
2025-03-11  Angus Gold   Golden Sky   15.6 g/t Au over 3.5m from 148.5m   Very High   Thick   Moderate 
2025-03-11  Fokus Mining   Galloway   1.18 g/t Au over 21.6m from 591.5m   Moderate   Very Thick   Very Deep 
2025-03-13  NGEx Minerals   Lunahuasi   4.37 % Cu over 51.5m from 222.0m   Very High   Very Thick   Moderate 
2025-03-13  Collective Mining   Guayabales   8.06 g/t Au over 75.8m from 469.6m   Very High   Very Thick   Very Deep 
2025-03-13  Nevada King Gold   Atlanta Gold Mine   2.44 g/t Au over 90.0m from 15.2m   High   Very Thick   Very Shallow 
2025-03-13  Fortuna Mining   Seguela   7.2 g/t Au over 37.0m from 91.0m   Very High   Very Thick   Moderate 
2025-03-13  Cabral Gold   Cuiu Cuiu   3.9 g/t Au over 4.0m from 36.0m   High   Thick   Shallow 
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